2010년 9월 19일 일요일

Prizes Awards places bonus certificate trophy excellent instructor certificate prize

Prizes Awards places bonus certificate trophy excellent instructor certificate prize , yuan RMB there there there second prize Name yuan RMB there there there third place , yuan RMB there there there Excellent Award yuan RMB there no there Finalist no herve leger there no there Outstanding Organization Award there , entry procedures , entries submitted method Registration: participants log the tournament's official website submit the application form and works: will use the account name entry of jpg ,-. jpg, sent to E-mail: zhzbisai@cntrueman.com. QQ: , work requirements herve leger dress Preliminary phase: designs made please panel displays, the design renderings .
a main effect for the product map to express the design of the overall effect. another view of the product of six, works clearly express the basic structure and size, material and texture, function details and so on, along with concise design specification. manuscript as jpg format, size A format, vertical length Xmm, a resolution of dpi, herve leger bandage dress each no more than M, to guarantee good results printing and printing requirements. br semi-final stage: into the semi-finals of the player, three-dimensional modeling of the works required to file for the organizers production model , submitted entries are not allowed to appear with the participants as Any information and has nothing to do with the works of the special marks, which was found disqualified.

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