2010년 9월 4일 토요일

story 10 Chen Ado is a farmer

story 10 Chen Ado is a farmer, never too far out of the door. save the rest of your life money, and finally participate in a tour group out of the country. abroad all are very fresh, the key is, Chen Ado participate in the private tour, a person sharing a standard room. This allows him endless novelty. morning, breakfast waiter knocked on the door sent cried: "Good morning, sir!" Chen Ado stunned. What does this mean? In his hometown, people generally unfamiliar meeting christian louboutin will be asked: "Your name?" so Chen Ado exclaimed: "I am Chen Ado!" so so, attached three days, all the waiter knocked on the door every day, exclaimed: "Good morning, sir!" while Chen Ado also shouted back: "I am Chen Ado!" but he got very angry. This service health is too stupid to ask ourselves every day what is called, told him they remember not live, bored of. finally he could not help but ask the tour guide "Good morning, sir" What does it mean, the tour guide told him. My God!! It's a shame he died. Chen Ado over and over "Good morning, sir !, "the word in order to deal a decent waiter. another day in the morning, the waiter knocked at the door as usual, opened the door christian louboutin shoes and exclaimed Chen Ado:" Good morning, sir! "At the same time, service Health is called: "I am Chen Ado!"This story tells us that human contact, often a contest of willpower and willpower. not you influence him, that he affected you, and we have to To be successful, must develop their own influence, and only influential people can be the strongest.few years later, Jay Nike sample room in a normal sewing machine found the answer: You can use embroidery methods to create Flywire. In theory, the sewing machine needle can move in all directions and up to form a new technology requires a long thread. Of course, christian louboutin sale this is not so simple. embroidery machine apart and must be re-programmed, so as to achieve the desired design effect Jay.direct through shoes sewing surface (rather than fauna needle) approach, making shoes, decorative side is no longer valid. long thread mean upper structure constituted entirely by the thin line. Flywire to significantly reduce the weight of athletic shoes, announced by multi-layer fabric to The shoe provides support end of the era, as the latter will only increase the shoes weight, reduce flexibility.

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